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Download griffin sounds: free sounds

Griffin sounds for download
Main category: Sounds from cartoons
Second category: Griffin sounds
Count of sounds: 10
Quality: High
Format: mp3
♫ Griffins coo
⏯ playtime: 0:06
⏹ filesize: 223 kb
⏺ bitrate: 257 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 10
♫ Voice
⏯ playtime: 0:03
⏹ filesize: 107 kb
⏺ bitrate: 258 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 10
♫ Gryphon sound from Warcraft 3
⏯ playtime: 0:02
⏹ filesize: 34 kb
⏺ bitrate: 130 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 10
♫ Option 2
⏯ playtime: 0:02
⏹ filesize: 33 kb
⏺ bitrate: 130 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 10
♫ Option 3
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 29 kb
⏺ bitrate: 130 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 8
♫ Griffin scream sound (short)
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 25 kb
⏺ bitrate: 130 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 11
♫ Griffin in flight
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 38 kb
⏺ bitrate: 162 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 22.05kHz
downloads: 14
♫ The sound of the wings of a griffin (flying by)
⏯ playtime: 0:02
⏹ filesize: 13 kb
⏺ bitrate: 41 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 22.05kHz
downloads: 8
♫ The flapping of the griffin's wings
⏯ playtime: 0:12
⏹ filesize: 100 kb
⏺ bitrate: 64 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 11
♫ The sound of a griffin that makes a sound with its mouth
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 63 kb
⏺ bitrate: 259 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 12

In the category «Griffin sounds» we have collected more than 10 sounds for download. Category includes 10 subcategories.

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