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Download sounds of the devil or the devil: free sounds

Sounds of the devil or the devil for download
Main category: Sounds of electronics
Count of sounds: 22
Quality: High
Format: mp3
♫ Laughing trait
⏯ playtime: 0:08
⏹ filesize: 136 kb
⏺ bitrate: 128 kbps
⏭ channel: joint stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 18
♫ The sound of the devil laughing
⏯ playtime: 0:33
⏹ filesize: 266 kb
⏺ bitrate: 64 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 19
♫ A mockery from hell
⏯ playtime: 0:22
⏹ filesize: 364 kb
⏺ bitrate: 129 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 48kHz
downloads: 18
♫ Satan's Evil Laughter
⏯ playtime: 0:06
⏹ filesize: 104 kb
⏺ bitrate: 128 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 19
♫ Another option (against the background of fire)
⏯ playtime: 0:22
⏹ filesize: 362 kb
⏺ bitrate: 128 kbps
⏭ channel: joint stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 17
♫ The screams of sinners in a burning hell
⏯ playtime: 0:39
⏹ filesize: 117 kb
⏺ bitrate: 24 kbps
⏭ channel: joint stereo
⏮ sample rate: 11.025kHz
downloads: 19
♫ Laughter of lucifer or demon
⏯ playtime: 0:06
⏹ filesize: 55 kb
⏺ bitrate: 64 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 15
♫ Devil music
⏯ playtime: 0:22
⏹ filesize: 533 kb
⏺ bitrate: 192 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 23
♫ Devil in torment
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 892 kb
⏺ bitrate: 0 kbps
⏭ channel:
⏮ sample rate: 0kHz
downloads: 18
♫ Reading a prayer for the exorcism of the devil
⏯ playtime: 4:30
⏹ filesize: 10816 kb
⏺ bitrate: 320 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 16
♫ The process of exorcising the devil from a woman's body
⏯ playtime: 0:57
⏹ filesize: 1304 kb
⏺ bitrate: 183 kbps
⏭ channel: joint stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 17
♫ Satan has entered the human body and is talking
⏯ playtime: 0:27
⏹ filesize: 650 kb
⏺ bitrate: 192 kbps
⏭ channel: joint stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 21
♫ The screams of the demon inside the human body and the sounds of exorcism
⏯ playtime: 0:33
⏹ filesize: 530 kb
⏺ bitrate: 128 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 15
♫ Sounds of an Approaching Demon
⏯ playtime: 2:07
⏹ filesize: 5101 kb
⏺ bitrate: 320 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 16
♫ The roar of demon and satan
⏯ playtime: 1:11
⏹ filesize: 1150 kb
⏺ bitrate: 128 kbps
⏭ channel: joint stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 15
♫ The cry of the tasmanian devil
⏯ playtime: 0:11
⏹ filesize: 460 kb
⏺ bitrate: 320 kbps
⏭ channel: joint stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 18
♫ The Sound of the Tasmanian Devil
⏯ playtime: 0:12
⏹ filesize: 205 kb
⏺ bitrate: 128 kbps
⏭ channel: joint stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 15
♫ Calm growl of lucifer
⏯ playtime: 0:28
⏹ filesize: 462 kb
⏺ bitrate: 128 kbps
⏭ channel: joint stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 20
♫ The sound of the devil's scream
⏯ playtime: 0:05
⏹ filesize: 41 kb
⏺ bitrate: 64 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 16
♫ The voice of the devil from the cave
⏯ playtime: 1:45
⏹ filesize: 842 kb
⏺ bitrate: 64 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 19
♫ Devil giggles
⏯ playtime: 0:04
⏹ filesize: 35 kb
⏺ bitrate: 64 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 15
♫ Evil laughter of the devil
⏯ playtime: 0:06
⏹ filesize: 202 kb
⏺ bitrate: 256 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 19

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