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Download sounds of Papich: free sounds

Sounds of Papich for download
Main category: Item sounds
Second category: Sounds of Papich
Count of sounds: 19
Quality: High
Format: mp3
♫ Ahahahaha... that's me... hahaha
⏯ playtime: 0:05
⏹ filesize: 218 kb
⏺ bitrate: 322 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 27
♫ Yes soooo
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 47 kb
⏺ bitrate: 327 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 27
♫ Yes it's tough
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 45 kb
⏺ bitrate: 328 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 26
♫ Nice damage nice balance
⏯ playtime: 0:02
⏹ filesize: 115 kb
⏺ bitrate: 323 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 26
♫ 'Cause I'm smart, doing things right
⏯ playtime: 0:02
⏹ filesize: 72 kb
⏺ bitrate: 194 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 48kHz
downloads: 27
♫ I am the most adequate in the world
⏯ playtime: 0:02
⏹ filesize: 116 kb
⏺ bitrate: 323 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 24
♫ Papich - Tratatata (sound)
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 48 kb
⏺ bitrate: 224 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 48kHz
downloads: 24
♫ Papich - UAAauuuAaaa (joyful cry)
⏯ playtime: 0:03
⏹ filesize: 87 kb
⏺ bitrate: 224 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 48kHz
downloads: 21
♫ Papich - HYHHYHY
⏯ playtime: 0:04
⏹ filesize: 124 kb
⏺ bitrate: 224 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 48kHz
downloads: 20
♫ Papich's cry "Meow"
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 54 kb
⏺ bitrate: 326 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 28
♫ Na na na naaa
⏯ playtime: 0:03
⏹ filesize: 129 kb
⏺ bitrate: 323 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 22
♫ Naa
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 37 kb
⏺ bitrate: 329 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 23
♫ Nyaaaaaaaaa
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 73 kb
⏺ bitrate: 325 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 22
♫ Loooool (Papich sound)
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 52 kb
⏺ bitrate: 327 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 27
♫ Sausage
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 49 kb
⏺ bitrate: 327 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 26
♫ Bombaaa
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 61 kb
⏺ bitrate: 326 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 29
♫ Ah, ahaha (sound with Papich's laugh)
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 59 kb
⏺ bitrate: 326 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 25
♫ "Bust, bust, normals, normals" (Papich)
⏯ playtime: 0:05
⏹ filesize: 90 kb
⏺ bitrate: 129 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 25
♫ Ahh, now I'm going to cut you
⏯ playtime: 0:02
⏹ filesize: 88 kb
⏺ bitrate: 324 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 32

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