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Download sounds of a nail file: free sounds

Sounds of a nail file for download
Main category: The sounds of people
Second category: Sounds of a nail file
Count of sounds: 13
Quality: High
Format: mp3
♫ Option 2
⏯ playtime: 0:04
⏹ filesize: 37 kb
⏺ bitrate: 64 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 48kHz
downloads: 16
♫ The sound of grinding a nail with a cloth file
⏯ playtime: 0:02
⏹ filesize: 48 kb
⏺ bitrate: 129 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 16
♫ Manicure sound: shortening the nail with a file
⏯ playtime: 0:05
⏹ filesize: 84 kb
⏺ bitrate: 129 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 16
♫ Another option
⏯ playtime: 0:02
⏹ filesize: 34 kb
⏺ bitrate: 130 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 21
♫ This is for variety.
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 12 kb
⏺ bitrate: 60 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 48kHz
downloads: 15
♫ One move
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 3 kb
⏺ bitrate: 128 kbps
⏭ channel: joint stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 16
♫ The sound of a metal file falling to the floor
⏯ playtime: 0:20
⏹ filesize: 325 kb
⏺ bitrate: 128 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 16
♫ The sound where a person saws his nails with a file (at home)
⏯ playtime: 1:21
⏹ filesize: 650 kb
⏺ bitrate: 64 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 16
♫ Well, this is some Baba Yaga sawing her nails
⏯ playtime: 0:18
⏹ filesize: 145 kb
⏺ bitrate: 64 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 17
♫ Sound: we take out a file from a cosmetic bag
⏯ playtime: 0:02
⏹ filesize: 33 kb
⏺ bitrate: 90 kbps
⏭ channel: joint stereo
⏮ sample rate: 48kHz
downloads: 19
♫ We put the glass file back in the cosmetic bag
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 5 kb
⏺ bitrate: 69 kbps
⏭ channel: joint stereo
⏮ sample rate: 48kHz
downloads: 13
♫ We drive the saw to the left, to the right
⏯ playtime: 0:35
⏹ filesize: 569 kb
⏺ bitrate: 128 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 13
♫ Nails are sawed with a metal file (sound)
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 14 kb
⏺ bitrate: 61 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 48kHz
downloads: 15

In the category «Sounds of a nail file» we have collected more than 13 sounds for download. Category includes 13 subcategories.

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