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Download flamethrower sounds: free sounds

Flamethrower sounds for download
Main category: Weapon sounds
Second category: Flamethrower sounds
Count of sounds: 5
Quality: High
Format: mp3
♫ The sound of launching a powerful flamethrower
⏯ playtime: 0:17
⏹ filesize: 693 kb
⏺ bitrate: 320 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 8
♫ A shot from a flamethrower (we burn everything out)
⏯ playtime: 0:16
⏹ filesize: 305 kb
⏺ bitrate: 150 kbps
⏭ channel: joint stereo
⏮ sample rate: 48kHz
downloads: 6
♫ Everything is on fire
⏯ playtime: 0:02
⏹ filesize: 46 kb
⏺ bitrate: 128 kbps
⏭ channel: stereo
⏮ sample rate: 48kHz
downloads: 10
♫ The sound of a lit flamethrower
⏯ playtime: 0:01
⏹ filesize: 8 kb
⏺ bitrate: 128 kbps
⏭ channel: mono
⏮ sample rate: 48kHz
downloads: 10
♫ Flamethrower burning sound
⏯ playtime: 0:03
⏹ filesize: 91 kb
⏺ bitrate: 192 kbps
⏭ channel: joint stereo
⏮ sample rate: 44.1kHz
downloads: 10

In the category «Flamethrower sounds» we have collected more than 5 sounds for download. Category includes 5 subcategories.

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